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Keep, Problem, Try

With the Keep, Problem, Try template, you can run a retrospective exercise to figure out what your team wants to keep doing, what problems they’re facing, and what they want to try out.
Keep, Problem, Try

Uses of Keep, Problem, Try Retrospectives

A Keep, Problem, Try diagram, or KPT retrospective, is an Agile tool for assessing the good and bad aspects of a workflow and brainstorming ways to improve the project. This group activity requires everyone to share their opinions about what’s working well, what should be changed, and what new methods the team wants to implement and test.

Retrospective diagrams can be used in any industry for ongoing evaluation of a project as it unfolds. The goal is to strengthen collaboration and quickly eliminate issues that hinder your workflow. Use this exercise to create action items your team can execute right away to make a project better.

Keep, Problem, Try

How to create your own Keep, Problem, Try Retrospective

KPT diagrams are incredibly easy to make, but you’ll need help from team members to fill in the retrospective.

Start by opening the Keep, Problem, Try diagram in Cacoo.


Think about aspects of your project that are beneficial and help things run smoothly. Using the sticky notes, list these items in the ‘keep’ section.


Now, consider negative aspects of the project, and list them in the ‘problem’ section. Do these aspects need to be changed, or should you remove them from the project altogether?


Finally, brainstorm things you can do to improve the project. List them in the ‘try’ section.

Once you’re finished, let other team members fill in the diagram to get as many ideas as possible. After all, improving team collaboration is the goal!

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